For almost a century, the Gaudiya Mission has been instrumental in spreading the doctrine of Gaudiya Vaishnavism as practiced and preached by Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. The Mission was established in 1918 by Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada and since then, the main objective of the institution has been to render devotional and spiritual service to humanity. With 64 branches spread across India and other countries, the Mission has been relentlessly spreading the message of love, peace, and universal brotherhood.
The “ Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Museum ” project is a key initiative by the Gaudiya Mission to honor the teachings of love and devotion expounded by Mahaprabhu and also as a tribute to his 525th anniversary. The museum is being constructed on the mission premises itself in Bagbazar, a neighborhood by the river Ganges where Mahaprabhu himself had passed by five centuries ago. The museum is planned as a three-storied structure standing on approximately 1350 square meters of area. The galleries will be accommodated within 1000 square meters while the remaining will be used as public utility areas and library spaces devoted for epistemological pursuit.
Among the highlights of the museum will be the detailed biography of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, his contribution and his teachings of universal love, are spread across galleries and dioramas, and tableaus. However, the major attraction is going to be the experience of ‘virtual reality, witnessing the theological narratives unfolding in 3D. The museum is also going to boast a library with a rich collection of important and rare Vaishnava texts along with an auditorium to hold discussions, seminars, and cultural programs. Apart from conserving the glorious past, the museum aims to establish itself as a center of learning, contributing to the Vaishnava Culture, Post Chaitanya era Art and Culture, thus taking forward Mahaprabhu’s cause into the coming years and decades.
The organizational structure and management of the Museum shall be as follow:
The Museum will be a part of the Gaudiya Mission and governed by the organization itself However the programs like seminars, workshops, etc will be conducted independently by the museum.
Though the operational day-to-day management of the Museum will be the responsibility of the curator, its policies and modus operandi will be decided by the Governing body of the museum constituted by the Gaudiya Mission. The following staff will be appointed for the management of the museum.
Gaudiya Mission has a well-defined organizational structure to spread the message of universal love and brotherhood propounded by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and carry out other noble activities.
In accordance with the Memorandum of Association and Rules, a governing body has been formed, which consists of 12 members with President at the top. The detailed structure is given below.
The mission has also a council body which consists of members of the Governing Body, Superintendents or members in charge of all Maths and Institutions, Editors of Journals of the Society, Heads of preaching parties, six members elected by the disciples from among themselves, and six special members nominated by the Acharyya.
An advisory board has been set up to provide critical input for building the museum.
- President : His Divine Grace Om Vishnupada 108 Sri Srimad Bhakti Suhrid Paribrajak Maharaj, Baghbazar, Kolkata-700003.
- Secretary : His Holiness Tridandi Swami Bhakti Sundar Sanyasi Maharaj, Baghbazar, Kolkata-700003.
- Additional Secretary :His Holiness Tridandi Pramod Puri Maharaj,, Baghbazar, Kolkata-700003.
- Assistant Secretary :His Holiness Tridandi Swami Bhaktinistha Nyasi Maharaj, Baghbazar, Kolkata-700003
- Member : His Holiness Tridandi Swami Bhakti-Deepaka Sridhar Maharaj, HauzKhas, New Delhi-110016.
- Member : His Holiness Tridandi Swami Bhakti-Ashaya Ashram Maharaj, Nabadwip, Nadia-741315.
- Member :His Holiness Tridandi Swami Bhakti-Priya Madhab Maharaj, Krishnagar, Nadia-741104.
- Member :His Holiness Tridandi Swami Bhakti-Sudhira Sant Maharaj, Kishorepura, Vrindaban, Mathura, U.P. -121.
- Member :His Holiness Tridandi Swami Bhakti-Vaibhava Paryatak Maharaj, Bandra(E), Mumbai-400051.
- Member : His Holiness Tridandi Swami Bhakti-Prasuna Sadhu Maharaj, Alalnath, Brahmagiri, Puri-752011.
- Member : His Holiness Tridandi Swami Bhakti-Vandhava Baishnav Maharaj, Subhasnagar, Mughalsarai, U.P.-232101.
- Member : His Holiness Tridandi Swami Bhakti-Snata Sajjan Maharaj, Rochester, New York-14613.

(Former Governor of West Bengal).
(Museum Advisor to Hon’ble President, Govt. of India, Retired Director General, NCSM, Former President, International Council of Museum)
(Former Judge, Lok Adalat, Kolkata High Court Editor-in-chief, Business Economics)
(General Secretary, Gaudiya Mission)
(Director General National Council of Science Museum) - PROFESSOR DR. PIYALI PALIT
(Philosophy, Jadavpur University, ICCR Chair of Professor in Sanskrit and Indian Philosophy) - DR. ARIJIT DATTA CHAUDHURY (Director, Science City)
- DR. INDRANI BHATTACHARYA (HEAD, Department of Museology, University of Calcutta)
- DR. JAYANTA SENGUPTA (Secretary & Curator, Victoria Memorial Hall)
- MS. MANJU MITRA (Management Consultant, IT Security & Business Risk Management Specialist)
- SRIPAD BHAKTINISHTA NYASI MAHARAJ (Asst. Secretary, Gaudiya Mission)
- SM. ABANTIKA GARAI (Advocate, Calcutta High Court)

Prof. Dr. Gopal Mitra
B.ARCH. (HONS). (I. I.T.-KGP), M. ARCH (Univ. of Mich, U.S.A.), D. Litt. M.C.A., F.I.I.A., F.I.S., F.I.V.
Whenever shall Dharma languish and Adharma be basely ascendant
Then will I incarnate myself.
To restore Dharma I shall be born from age to age.
True to His words, He descends from Vaikuntha – In human form – the magnificent manifestation of the SUPREME on this planet earth in His eternal LILABHUMI – the immortal BHARAT, to conduct, transmute and for deliverance of the afflicted humanity. God incarnate Bhagaban Chaitanya Mahapraabhu is the living presence for ever with overflowing love, boundless and over powering and nothing on earth to equal. To commemorate his living presence for ever on earth an international class Museum under the guidance of Dr. Saroj Ghosh, depicting his entire life in 3D, 4D presentation galleries and space theatre and will make a pilgrimage to eternity to have a positive test of the Bliss of the Infinite. Humanity is passing through its worst crisis in History. A spiritual awakening only can save mankind from total annihilation and this museum, dedicated to ‘Rise of Man’ will keep inspiring generations to make a meaningful existence on this planet earth.
All glory to Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and his Gaudiya Mission.
Concept Designers

G. S. Rautela
Ex. Director General,
National Council of Science Museums
Block-GN, Sector-V, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata-91, India.
I am extremely delighted to learn that Gaudiya Mission is setting up a museum on Mahaprabhu Sri Krishna Chaitanya to commemorate his 525th Birth Anniversary. I consider the idea of setting up the museum on the teachings and ideals of Mahaprabhu Sri Krishna Chaitanya is a unique concept and the museum on such a theme could be highly educative. I am sure the museum will educate the masses on the ideals of Mahaprabhu Sri Krishna Chaitanya which will help in developing value system in the society.
I wish all the best in realizing your mission of developing the museum. I would extend my personal as well as organizational support that may be needed in developing the museum.
Anil Shrikrishna Manekar
Director General,
National Council of Science Museums
Block-GN, Sector-V, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata-91, India.
Dr. Saroj Ghose
Museum Advisor to Hon’ble President,
Govt. of India, Retired Director General,
NCSM, Former President,
International Council of Museum
S. Chaudhuri
Central Research & Training Laboratory
National Council of Science Museums
Ministry of Culture, Government of India
33 Block GN, Sector-V
Bidhan Nagar Kolkata 700091, West Bengal, India
For almost a century, the Gaudiya Mission has been instrumental in spreading the doctrine of Gaudiya Vaishnavism as practiced and preached by Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. The Mission was established in 1918 by Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada and since then, the main objective of the institution has been to render devotional and spiritual service to humanity. With 64 branches spread across India and other countries, the Mission has been relentlessly spreading the message of love, peace, and universal brotherhood.
The “ Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Museum ” project is a key initiative by the Gaudiya Mission to honor the teachings of love and devotion expounded by Mahaprabhu and also as a tribute to his 525th anniversary. The museum is being constructed on the mission premises itself in Bagbazar, a neighborhood by the river Ganges where Mahaprabhu himself had passed by five centuries ago. The museum is planned as a three-storied structure standing on approximately 1350 square meters of area. The galleries will be accommodated within 1000 square meters while the remaining will be used as public utility areas and library spaces devoted for epistemological pursuit.
Among the highlights of the museum will be the detailed biography of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, his contribution and his teachings of universal love, are spread across galleries and dioramas, and tableaus. However, the major attraction is going to be the experience of ‘virtual reality, witnessing the theological narratives unfolding in 3D. The museum is also going to boast a library with a rich collection of important and rare Vaishnava texts along with an auditorium to hold discussions, seminars, and cultural programs. Apart from conserving the glorious past, the museum aims to establish itself as a center of learning, contributing to the Vaishnava Culture, Post Chaitanya era Art and Culture, thus taking forward Mahaprabhu’s cause into the coming years and decades.