A review of our visitor guidelines and regulations below can help orient you before you arrive and ensure you get the most out of your SCMM experience. By visiting the Museum, you agree to abide by these policies. Please make sure to plan ahead for your visit.

• All visitors entering the building must pass through a security check. Additionally, some items are not allowed in the galleries and must be checked; other items are not permitted in the building and cannot be checked.
• Bags, handbags, backpacks, or any sort of luggage are not permitted inside the Museum and will have to be deposited at the Cloak Room.
• Masks and costumes are not permitted.
• Water in plastic bottles may be brought into the Museum.
• Outside food or drink is not allowed inside the Museum.
• Glass containers are not permitted in the Museum.
• There is no bypassing the security line outside the Museum. The less you bring with you, the faster you can get inside.
• Personal photography inside is strictly prohibited.
• Smoking is not allowed in or near the Museum premises.
• The Museum operates closed-circuit video monitoring for the safety of the art and the public.
• Weapons and hazardous materials are not permitted in the Museum.
• Please note that visitors to SCMM may be photographed, videotaped, or otherwise recorded. By attending, you grant the Museum permission to use photographs and/or audiovisual recordings in which you appear for archival, documentary, publicity, advertising, or other purposes.
• Donations for Entry Pass and for other causes may not be refunded, resold, exchanged, or transferred.
• The Museum cannot guarantee access to all galleries at all times.
• All visitors entering the building must pass through a security check. Additionally, some items are not allowed in the galleries and must be checked; other items are not permitted in the building and cannot be checked.
• Bags, handbags, backpacks, or any sort of luggage are not permitted inside the Museum and will have to be deposited at the Cloak Room.
• Masks and costumes are not permitted.
• Water in plastic bottles may be brought into the Museum.
• Outside food or drink is not allowed inside the Museum.
• Glass containers are not permitted in the Museum.
• There is no bypassing the security line outside the Museum. The less you bring with you, the faster you can get inside.
• Personal photography inside is strictly prohibited.
• Smoking is not allowed in or near the Museum premises.
• The Museum operates closed-circuit video monitoring for the safety of the art and the public.
• Weapons and hazardous materials are not permitted in the Museum.
• Please note that visitors to SCMM may be photographed, videotaped, or otherwise recorded. By attending, you grant the Museum permission to use photographs and/or audiovisual recordings in which you appear for archival, documentary, publicity, advertising, or other purposes.
• Donations for Entry Pass and for other causes may not be refunded, resold, exchanged, or transferred.
• The Museum cannot guarantee access to all galleries at all times.

Admission to the Museum
• Entrance into the Museum’s galleries requires a Pass.
• All visitors are subject to the Museum’s admission policies for individuals, members, and groups, available here.
• Children 12 years and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Children below 4 years are not allowed.
• Advance reservations are required for all adult and student groups of ten or more and for any third-party guided tour, regardless of size.
• While in the Museum’s Galleries, we want everyone to enjoy their time in the galleries. In order for us to create the best possible environment.
• The art and the exhibits are here for you to study, admire, and explore.
• Please do not touch the artwork, frames, bases, or anything used to protect the art and the exhibits.
• SCMM staff lecturing in the galleries has priority.
• All individuals who lecture in the galleries must have a lecture badge. A lecture badge can only be obtained by making an advance group reservation.
• Our galleries are for discovering something new and sharing an experience with family or friends. We ask that visitors refrain from disorderly or disruptive conduct that interferes with or distracts from other visitors’ enjoyment of the Museum.
• Conduct that poses any risk to other visitors or to the Museum’s staff or collections is prohibited.
• Running, rough play and disruptive behaviors are prohibited.
• Please keep voices low and be mindful of others. Cell phones are not allowed inside the Museum. Please deposit them in our Cloak Room.
• Please be mindful of keeping doorways and hallways accessible to other visitors.
• The unauthorized playing of music and video, unauthorized theater performances, and sound amplification and noisemakers are prohibited inside SCMM (except for assistive listening devices for visitors with disabilities).
• Charitable solicitations, leafleting, signature gathering, picketing, and press conferences by visitors are prohibited.
Staff and Volunteers at Your Service
• SCMM’s expert team of dedicated staff and volunteers is here to help you. So they can provide you with great service, remember that:
• Verbally abusive, harassing, discriminatory, or threatening statements or behavior toward SCMM staff, volunteers, or other visitors are prohibited.
• Please follow the instructions of security o¬cers.
• SCMM reserves the right to refuse or revoke the admission of any visitor whose conduct violates these guidelines.